Monday, December 18, 2006



I know I haven’t blogged in a hot minute. 2006 has been a flurry of activity and I’ve barely been able to find a minute to catch my breath (word!). I’ve been working on a friend’s magazine as its managing editor, and when I volunteered I didn’t expect the work to be as demanding as it’s proven to be. But, it continues to be rewarding. In addition, I started a new job as an associate/copyeditor at a well-known business news company in Jersey City –work I’ve found to be less than rewarding and not even close to the challenge I’d been looking for. I also feel that the position was misrepresented to a certain extent. So, I’ve been working to remedy the situation by looking for a new position. I have at least one poker in the fire, so to speak, but I have miles to go before I sleep.

I’m blogging partially to show you guys what I’ve been up to lately. I’m also writing today to preempt one of my New Year’s resolutions–to blog more. Because I noticed that as I have connected myself to the Internet and its various networking trappings, I’ve simultaneously disconnected myself from journaling, which had always been a way for me to keep in touch with spirit. And to me was all the rage before Myspace and blogspot.

As we are swept into the gulch of our materialistic and debauch holidays I wish you the best time of your life! Smile, the Universe is watching! –L.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well get you blog on then. Ill do my debauch thing for a minute then Ill be back.