Thursday, August 24, 2006


I've been sort of staring off into space all day with my mouth hanging open as to be able to breathe. It was a beautiful day out today, the sun was shining, the sky clear, but it's wreaking havoc on my nose piece. I can't tell you how many times I've sneezed, I went on the allergy report on Allergy Report and saw that in New Jersey, overall pollen is "moderate." oh yeah? tell that to my fuckin nose. I can't even close my mouth or I will DIE because I can't breathe through my nose with all this pollen sticking my nostrils up.

I must look a hot mess at my desk right now. Wiping my nose with anti-viral tissues, plopping tablets of Airborne into my water every 3 hours (just in case it's not allergies) and wiping my hands and phone down with anitbacterial Purell every five minutes. All this because I don't want to get sicker (or sicker). Man, offices and daycares man, breeding ground for disease. Hold up, I think somebody, somewhere, just sneezed.


Sherlon Christie said...

aww...I wipe my desk down with disinfectant when I return from my days off...

Anonymous said...

jeez...hope you feel okay...i keep hand santizers at my desk at all times...